Our offer

Innovative report

Most of all an InsurTech

Our results based from a long work nearly 18 months of research which at the beginning intended to serve as a basis for a doctorate and which finally turned towards a concrete application with a qualified and complementary project team.

We have developed 2 main algorithms’ families using the technologies offered by big data with a family of scoring algorithms and another that allows to quantify and to qualify a historical background.

Today, we are the only stockholder who proposes a technological tool with a mathematical basis to appreciate the reliability of a tenant.

Key products

We propose to integrate into webservice our decision support tool for the professionals of the rental management which allows them to select thanks to objective criteria their tenants while having a global risk control of their park.

Thanks to an insurer, a reinsurer and a broker, we develop an innovative GLI for individuals with more consistent criteria and entry thresholds more coherent as well as adapted payment methods.

We are also developing a highly targeted GLI for the corporate real estate sector. (Project stage)